RCF Arena Reggio Emilia: the development of the project

The process for the development of RCF Arena Reggio Emilia began in 2016: Aeroporto di Reggio Emilia S.p.A. and the Municipal Council of Reggio Emilia issued a tender for the funding, construction and management of an arena for events in the non-operative area of the airport, owned by the state.
The project also obtained € 1.7 million in public funding from the Emilia-Romagna Region and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020/Axis 5.
In July 2017 Coopservice – lead partner in a temporary joint venture that also included Nial Nizzoli and Società Consortile Campovolo – was awarded the tender with a project financing proposal that contemplated a joint economic effort for completing the work.
In November 2017, the Municipal Council approved the final design project for Arena Eventi Campovolo (by Iotti + Pavarani Architetti, Arch. Guido Tassoni, Lauro Sacchetti Associati), the Environmental Impact Assessment and the pertinent urban planning amendment, which gave the green light for the work, scheduled for completion in 2020.
March 2018 saw the establishment of C.Volo, a SPV formed by 7 enterprises with operational and management functions: Coopservice Soc.coop.p.A., Nial Nizzoli S.r.l., Arena Campovolo S.r.l., Smart Group S.c.a.r.l., Finregg S.p.a., Rcf S.p.a., and Taste S.r.l.
April 2018 saw the start of the construction work, expected to be completed by September 2020.